Insulated Cob Experiment

Insulated Cob Experiment

Insulated CobCan we make a “gross zero” building?  The first pilot.Cob is a wonder material – freely available subsoil, mixed with straw, making load-bearing walls which are eminently non-toxic, accessible, free in material terms, zero embodied...
New House in Devon

New House in Devon

Design for a new family house in Devon A stand-alone dwelling on the outskirts of a city. Manifest were commissioned to consider the design of a new dwelling in the grounds of a listed building in Devon. The site commands spectacular views across a river valley, and...
Westmill Centre

Westmill Centre

Centre for a Sustainable Energy Charity A new straw-bale build educational centre near Swindon. Manifest were commissioned to design a new centre for the Westmill Sustainable Energy Trust: the brief was to provide a sheltered and warm but simple building, constructed...