Privacy & data

For job applicants

By contacting us, and/or by sending us your CV, examples of work, or further personal details (eg. those included on your CV), we will act on the understanding that you are proposing a contract of employment, which we may or may not accept. Should we not accept it, we will keep the details with which you have provided us for a period of 2 years, dated from receipt, following which they will be destroyed. You may also request that all your personal details which we hold be destroyed sooner than this. You may also request to know what details we hold, for errors to be rectified, and for us to port your details to agreed third parties with your explicit consent, subject to the legitimate consideration of the interests of third parties whose data is also held in this regard, or who may otherwise be adversely affected. Please do not include personal details within your application such as marital status, gender, or any special category data such as religious views or sexual orientation etc.


For potential clients

In entering into discussions regarding our appointment as a contract with you, you should be aware that we will need to hold certain of your personal details on file. These comprise solely your name, postal address, email address and telephone numbers, and any other contact details which you give to us. Since these are necessary for any contract, or discussions leading to the same, consent cannot be said to apply to these data. Under these arrangements, will keep your data securely, in both physical and electronic formats. You may at any time request to know what details we hold, for errors to be rectified, and for us to port your details to agreed third parties with your explicit consent, subject to the legitimate consideration of the interests of third parties whose data is also held in this regard, or who may otherwise be adversely affected. We will retain your data indefinitely following the completion of any contract. This is for a variety of reasons: you may wish to access project data from us in the future; we may need to refer to our detailed records of project data in the case of claims under civil or criminal liability, including work done to listed buildings, or illnesses arising from hazardous substances including asbestos. You may rest assured that we do not place our clients’ names on our drawing sheets or other documents, unless this is required for explicit purposes (eg. to be noted as the employer on a Specification & Schedule of Works). We also avoid naming sensitive rooms on building plans (eg. “safe”). You may also rest assured that we will never pass your data to others without your explicit request, where we are able to do this under the general law.


The above notwithstanding, we judge that the retention of your contact details is justified under what the new legislation terms “legitimate interests”. In such circumstances, we may occasionally send you a postal letter or an email to follow up on project leads which were mentioned by you at the time of our working for you. This would be a personal communication, and not part of any mass-marketing initiative. You may opt out of this specific measure by contacting us at our address above.


Should no contract result from our discussions, we will nevertheless retain your name and contact details indefinitely. Should it be reasonable to do so, we may write to you in the future to enquire regarding the project under discussion, or other leads mentioned by you at the time. You may opt out of this measure, and/or request that your details be destroyed or anonymised, at any time, by contacting us at our address above. You may also request to know what data we hold in relation to you, and to correct it if necessary.

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Manifest Design Workshop Ltd is a company limited by shares, registered in England & Wales, no.10067883

Registered address 13 Ridley Road, Oxford OX4 2QJ