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Timber Hewing and Ecology Course in Dragon Wood

Timber Hewing and Ecology Course in Dragon Wood

Timber Hewing and Ecology Course in Dragon Wood Participants are invited to join us on a two-day course in the ancient woodland of Dragon Wood in western Gloucestershire, for a two-day course on traditional timber hewing, supplemented with presentations on woodland...

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Folk Architecture & The Future

Folk Architecture & The Future

Committee for Folk Architecture, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Veszprém  We are very much looking forward to the forthcoming international conference "From Traditions to the Future" ("A Hagyományoktól a Jövőig"), which will take place in the city of Veszprém in...

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Experimental Cob Wall

Experimental Cob Wall

Experimental Cob Wall  As part of our research programme, we are currently constructing a new kind of cob wall - to provide a new south-west wall to our workshop.  But what's experimental about it?  Watch this space - but we're very excited.Read more about our earth...

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Talk on lime-burning

Talk on lime-burning

Talk on Lime Burning at the SPAB Autumn Repair Course  Further to our work last summer, burning local grey chalk in a field kiln at the SPAB's Old House Project and Working Party in Boxley, Kent, we were delighted to be invited back to present our findings to...

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Douglas fir

Douglas fir

Douglas Fir  We've been commissioned to build some rather lovely bookshelves, using Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in rather chunky sections.  The workshop is filled with their aromatic aroma...Read more about our furniture projects here. 01865 774...

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Hidden gems in roofs

Hidden gems in roofs

Smoke blackened timbers  It's always nice to explore a new historic roof - and particularly when we can discover such hidden gems as the back of an old wattle-and-daub wall!  Not to mention the smoke blackening of rafter bellies - evidence of a rather old structure,...

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Lime burning

Lime burning

The Grey Chalk Project at the SPAB Working Party  Manifest were present at the recent Working Party, organised by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, at Boxley Abbey in Kent.  We are part of the ongoing Grey Chalk Project, in which a local chalk is...

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Manifest Design Workshop Ltd is a company limited by shares, registered in England & Wales, no.10067883

Registered address: Old Spot Barn, Leycott Farm, Lower Ley Lane, near Minsterworth, Gloucestershire GL2 8JT